Provide your public with a comfortable visiting experience

During a visit, 92% of the public is affected by fatigue.Provide your public with a comfortable visiting experience It leads a majority of people to shorten their experience. Despite the presence of seats, they cannot be available everywhere or at the desired moment.

They trust us

Les Flâneuses®,
Movable anti-fatigue chairs made for public places .

A flâneuse is a movable furniture that allows you to wander freely and fully enjoy your visit. It is a multi-purpose chair that adapts to all public and can be used for:

Les Flâneuses®,
a new concept of mobility designed for all: "It is no longer the visitor who has to go to the chair, but the chair that has to go to the visitor".

The Flâneuse can be available quickly and easily in any environment. No installation work is required.


With the Flâneuses®,
you are doing good for your visitors but also for your establishment.

  • Your employees feel more at ease in their welcoming role.
  • Your brand image is better perceived by your public
  • You extend the time spent in your establishment
  • You increase purchases at the end of the visit
  • You develop a (potential) regular turnover.

La Flâneuse, a patented innovation

What the "Strollers" and professionals think: 

98%report an increase in comfort during their visit.

80% said they stayed longer on site because of the stroller.

84% of front desk agents say they are more comfortable greeting all audiences.

What the "Flâneurs" and the professionals think:

A furniture designed "Design & Care for All"

“In the beginning, our objective was to create an object that facilitates the mobility of vulnerable people without stigmatising them, unlike other existing objects that are more medical. We wanted to go even further by making this object an inclusive piece of furniture designed for everyone, young and old, disabled and non-disabled…”

The Flâneuse is a new mode (before becoming the new trend 😉) of mobility within public places .

Yves and Thérèse,
Creators of the Flâneuse


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Mentions légales & Politique de cookies


Projet E-hé




843 384 793 000 17 FR 86 84 33 84 793


Projet E-hé
2 rue Henri ZIEGLER, A13
31300 Toulouse
Email: contact[at]


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Le directeur de la publication est


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Thomas Baron
La médiathèque José Cabanis, Toulouse

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Project E-hé




843 384 793 000 17 FR 86 84 33 84 793


Project E-hé
2 rue Henri ZIEGLER, A13
31300 Toulouse
Email: contact[at]


This site is the property of the company Projet E-hé
The director of the publication is


Web integration: ZESTHY
Webdesign : ZESTHY


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Thomas Baron
The José Cabanis media library, Toulouse